Computer Programmer Insurance

Computer Programmer Insurance

As a computer programmer, you write programs as well as repair, modify, and update existing programs.

In addition to these main duties, you’re likely involved in testing and debugging programs, implementing fixes as bugs arise.

You might be involved in the maintenance of computer databases for clients too.

But regardless, of the specific duties you find yourself doing as a computer programming professional,

without proper computer programmer insurance you could be putting yourself and your business at risk.


In just a few moments, you can get several insurance quotes online to compare from the top national computer programmer insurers.

Select from standard or custom-designed policies and packages tailored for computer programmers.


Efficient access to a complete package of insurance products and services designed

to meet the risk management needs of computer programmers, which include:

Computer Programmer Errors and Omissions Insurance –

Provides protection against claims made against you or any of your employees through oversight,

negligence, or error committed while performing business activities that resulted in a loss of productivity or

income on the part of your client. To illustrate, suppose you are designing an e-commerce site for a client and

fail to include an important code in the shopping cart application, which results in numerous abandoned shopping

carts — and lost revenue for your client. If you had errors and omissions insurance, you would be covered for this oversight.



Computer Programmer General Liability Insurance –

General liability provides the coverage to you, the computer programmer,

in the event that a client sues you for property damage or personal injury. For instance,

if a client who you’re providing computer programming services for at their place of business claims that you or

one of your employees damaged their property while working on their premises, you could be faced with a

hefty settlement or lawsuit. However, if you had general liability insurance, not only would you have coverage for

this type of claim, but coverage for your legal defense costs as well.



Computer Programmer Inland Marine Insurance –

Another type of computer programmer insurance that you should consider is inland marine insurance.

Inland marine insurance is devised to protect your computer equipment while in transit.

Not only does it provide coverage protection for your tech gear while in transit, but while it being held in storage too.

In the event that your computer equipment is stolen or damaged while going to or from your client’s work site or is

damaged or stolen while in storage, an inland marine policy would provide coverage for the loss.



Computer Programmer Workers’ Compensation –

If you have employees working for you in your computer programming business, workers’ compensation

insurance provides coverage against work-related injuries and illnesses. Additionally, workers’ compensation

insurance includes protection for certain lost wages, medical, and rehabilitation expenses.

Although requirements vary by state, workers’ compensation is mandated by law. For example, if one of your programmers

develops severe Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from working at the computer as part of his job duties and requires

surgery, workers’ compensation insurance would cover the medical expenses and lost wages for the surgery and recovery.



Computer Programmer Commercial Auto Insurance –

If you travel by vehicle to your client’s work site, you’re putting your business

and yourself at risk if you don’t have an policy for commercial auto insurance. Whether you use your car, van,

or truck to transport computer equipment, accessories, or products to your client’s premises, commercial auto

insurance provides protection against risks related to operating a vehicle for commercial purposes.

It’s also usually required by law. Examples of risks that you can be exposed to are vehicle accidents

(possibly with an uninsured motorist), vandalism damage, and hail damage to name a few.

Further, if you take clients in your vehicle, it’s a must to have commercial auto insurance.



At the end of the day, computer programmer insurance keeps your business assets safeguarded and protects

you against a financial calamity. Protect yourself and your business against the high cost

of lawsuits and inherent liability risks by acquiring adequate computer programmer insurance.